Drapery Hardware Terms

Specialty Medallions Designed by Metropolis Iron
Specialty Medallions Designed by Metropolis Iron

There are so many elements to a complete drapery hardware sets.  There are finials, drapery medallions, drapery rods, drapery rings and more.  Not sure what drapery hardware will work best for your specific design idea? Or better yet, do you have space restrictions?  Read on for easy to understand terminology for the most basic drapery hardware components.

Finials:  Finials are the decorative components at the ends of rods and come in a wide variety of styles and finishes.  Their purpose is to keep the drapery rings from sliding off the drapery rod.

Endcaps:  Endcaps are used in lieu of finials.  They are usually used when there isn’t enough space between the wall and the end of the rod to use a finial or when the customer is trying to achieve a minimalistic appearance. They close off the end of the drapery rod in a clean termination.

Drapery Rings: Rings are what the drapery panels are attached to so the panels can be moved back and forth. They come in different styles, colors and sizes to fit the appropriate rod.

Drapery Holdbacks:  Holdbacks are exactly what they sound like: they hold back the drapery panel from the window and allow natural light into a room.   They can be curved or straight and usually have a finial or a medallion attached.

Drapery Medallions:  Medallions are an alternate way to hang window treatments other than the traditional drapery rod.  Drapery panels or valances are either hung or swagged from them.  Medallions can also be inserted into cornice boards to add depth and dimension.  Medallions are often used to hang treatments in awkward areas of the home that don’t allow for a traditional rod to be hung.

For more information on the types of custom drapery hardware created at Metropolis Iron please visit our website.

Drapery Rings
Drapery Rings

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