Creative Uses for Metal Corbels

Corbels can be functional elements for the support of wall cabinets, cooktops, counter tops, range hoods and other kitchen features while providing an eye appealing feel to your kitchen area.

Sometimes designers are intimidated by large corbels and tend to undersize them.  A larger corbel will bring attention to an island.  In the kitchen, a corbel serves a real function, it holds up a counter top overhang, but at the same time, it makes a statement of style and importance.  The right size is based on the designers’ message.  If the kitchen’s message is “harmony,” the designer can choose a more common size corbel, around 10” to 15.”  On the other hand, if the designer wants a 9’ island to say, “Look at me!” and make a grand statement, then an 18” to 30” corbel will accomplish that goal.  Metropolis Iron’s full line of corbels differs in sizes for all design options.  If your design includes larger corbels, just ask!  We love custom orders!

The corbel size will set the tone of the kitchen, but what sets the theme of the kitchen are the corbel’s details.  When a designer identifies the client’s preferences, type of material, color, and style, these choices will drive the design process into a direction where the room’s theme will be defined.  When this occurs, the designer can start fitting the room with the proper detail, scale and definition.

Corbels also have different depths.  Shallower corbels have an important aesthetic value.  A corbel that is 1 ¾” to 3 ½” deep can be placed on the face of a cabinet where it makes a design statement that it is not overpowering or an obstacle.

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