Drapery Medallions for Curved Walls

Curved walls can pose definite issues when trying to create a window treatment. With companies like Metropolis Iron you can have a drapery rod custom bent to the curvature of the wall. However, there aren’t a lot of companies that specialize in fabricating custom drapery hardware or perhaps the budget doesn’t allow for a piece […]

Great Room Drapery Ideas

More homes are being built with great rooms and large foyers that have high ceilings.  The need for drapery hardware that has the correct projection, size and strength for longer, heavier drapes has become a common request at Metropolis Iron.    These spaces require window hardware that is large, visible and strong. Metropolis Iron’s extra-large and […]

Square Drapery Medallions-Dare to be Different

When you think drapery medallions, round, simple medallions are probably the first (and only) style medallion or rosette you can think of.  That is probably because it’s almost the only type of drapery medallion, curtain rosette or window treatment holdback that is commonly available on the market. Metropolis Iron is daring you to think differently […]